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Review Excerpts


A poetry collection depicting the two contrasting stages of a person's love life; a moving book that poetry lovers should not miss out on. L. Zieanna lays bare her soul with some beautifully written poetic verses that strike a chord in your heart and take you on a journey of a life lived through longing, love, loss, betrayal, and resiliency. Each poem feels personal and authentic in a way so that you can't help but relate to anecdotes from your own life ... I thoroughly enjoyed From One Age to Another and highly recommend it.

-- Pikasho Deka,
Readers' Favorite Book Review


Passion. That's the first word that comes to mind after reading From ... this collection is truly timeless with its depictions of a naive, early love and the later loves having eerie similarities in their passions, longings, and keen sense of betrayals. The styles of these poems (and I say this as someone who knows nothing about actual poetry styles)  seem almost conversational but with a certain rhythm to them. "Approachable." I think, is the right word for it or raw. As a result of the style and the content, the poems are quite relatable, which I suppose as a youngster I always feel a wonderful sense of strangeness come over me when I read words from many years ago that any of us could
have thought now.

-- C.E. Cannery (Author)

Magest's Tale / Inna / A Moment of Leaflessness:
A bouquet of poetry



It was amazing how much I could relate to some of the short poems in this book. After reading it I no longer felt like I was on an island on my own and felt connected to the author. The realization that there are others out there that have gone through similar experiences and or have had some of the same thoughts is comforting.

-- Public Review

Amazon Verified Purchaser


There are several gems in this book that make it worth the read. It's a shame that we don't appreciate poetry as much as society used to. It's an art form worth our attention.

-- Regina Hanson (Author)
Sexual, Intellectual Female: The 21st Century Real
Woman /Racism: The Real Reason I Left the South

"Finding Poetry in the Commonplace"

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